Monday 9 May 2011

Basics of Communication

Communication word is derived from a Latin word “Communicare” referring to “Share”. Communication is a process of transferring information and understanding it. Information can be shared between individuals by different means. Skill to communicate depends on the capacity of an individual to convey ideas and feelings to another to evolve a desired response. In management, communication is a mixture of personal attributes and organizational aspects.
Process of communication

Sender à
Initiates communication, conceptualizes idea that is to be communicated
Message à
Encoded form of an idea with help of language, symbol etc. Message is transmitted from Sender to Receiver through a channel.
Channel à
Channel or medium can be physical presence (face to face talk) interactive channels (telephone, electronic media) personal static channel (memos, letters) or impersonal static channels (general reports, circulars etc.). The richness of each channel is determined according to its capability in eliciting feedback. Accordingly, face to face talk is considered richest and impersonal static channel is considered to be the leanest. However for making communication efficient, the sender has to choose the channel depending upon the urgency and complexity of the idea which is communicated.
Receiver à
Destination of the message. Receiver decodes it back to the idea and assimilates it. The effectiveness of communication depends upon the extent to which the sender has succeeded in making the receiver understand his idea. This can be evaluated through feedback.
Feedback à
The receiver responds to the sender in the form of clarifications and doubts. Feedback, which makes communication two-way is important because it helps to evaluate the effectiveness of the communication.

Elements of communication
1.       Verbal Communication
Verbal communication refers to vocal communication involving the use of language and meaning (either oral or written). Normally the words used in communication are concrete or abstract. Role of jargons is also crucial in determining the effectiveness of communication. Verbal communication becomes effective through the choice of right words & emphasis of the same.

2.       Non-verbal communication
Non verbal communication is the conscious and unconscious body movements in communication that couple with physical and environmental surroundings. Non verbal communications are those which are not expressed orally or in writing and include human elements associated with communication. These form an important and inevitable aspect of the total communication process because it compliments and substitutes verbal communication.

3.       Listening & Feedback
Listening which comprises of hearing, attending, understanding and remembering can facilitate the effectiveness of communication. Listener has to employ the appropriate type of listening depending on the situation and nature of the message. The feedback should be timely and constructive.

Hope this information turns useful for you!

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